Acoustic services for a quiet America

CEQA/NEPA Compliance:

WJVA has prepared noise assessments for hundreds of environmental impact reports and statements.  Prepared to comply with State of California (CEQA) and federal (NEPA) requirements, these project documents describe the environmental setting, criteria for noise impacts, predicted noise exposures, and mitigation measures for noise impacts.

Noise Control Engineering:

WJVA provides consulting services in noise control for industrial facilities such as pump stations, water treatment plants, and electrical distribution/receiving yards.  The scope of work typically consists of ambient noise measurements, equipment noise level and frequency content measurements, prediction of project noise levels as proposed, assessment of compliance with the relevant noise standards, and development of mitigation measures.  The mitigation measures may include equipment noise emission specifications, enclosures, acoustical louvers and silencers, absorptive treatments, and noise barriers.  Our clients have included public agencies such as cities, counties, and water or public utility districts.

Roadway Improvement Projects:

WJVA offers traffic noise assessment services for roadway improvement projects, especially those requiring Caltrans approvals.  To meet current Caltrans requirements, WJVA uses the U.S. DOT Traffic Noise Model (TNM) Version 2.5 to describe traffic noise exposures.  This program allows digitizing of roadway geometry, barriers, and receiver locations for analysis of complex situations.  The TNM is routinely calibrated using on-site noise level measurements to ensure that the results reflect actual field conditions.  Additional ambient noise measurements are conducted to describe peak hour traffic noise levels.  Traffic noise impacts are evaluated in accordance with the Caltrans Traffic Noise Protocol, following the Caltrans templates.

Mitigation Monitoring:

Many projects are approved subject to conditions that require monitoring of noise to ensure compliance with the assumptions of environmental analyses, and with specific conditions of approval.  WJVA has always specialized in understanding and implementation of environmental noise standards, and applies that experience to monitoring project noise levels to ensure that mitigation has been achieved.  Mitigation monitoring may include noise and/or vibration measurements, and WJVA is well equipped to conduct such analyses.

Aviation Noise: 

WJVA provides a wide range of noise assessment and mitigation services to airport operators and aviation planners. Where noise monitoring is required, WJVA can deploy multiple long-term noise monitoring units to quantify aircraft and helicopter noise exposures. WJVA also has extensive experience working on numerous airport sound insulation projects throughout the county.

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CEQA/NEPA Compliance:

• Three Hills Mine, Tonopah, NV: WJVA Prepared an acoustical analysis for a proposed open mine blasting pit and waste rock disposal area on public lands. Worked closely with the BLM to demonstrate NEPA compliance.

• Kaweah Delta Hospital Helistop, Visalia, CA: WJVA Prepared an environmental noise assessment (ENA) for a new Hospital Helipad to be located near existing residential land uses. Utilized the FAA Integrated Noise Model (INM) to model helicopter noise exposure at nearby existing residential land uses.

• South H Street/Hosking Avenue Commercial Development, Bakersfield: WJVA Prepared and ENA for a proposed large-scale commercial development to demonstrate project compliance with CEQA and local noise standards.

• Culver Mine Project, Tulare County: WJVA Prepared an ENA for a proposed surface mining operation near the City of Porterville. Utlized the SoundPLAN noise model to determine project-related noise levels at nearby residential land uses. Demonstrated project compliance with CEQA and applicable Tulare County noise standards.

• Kern County, CA EIR Revisions to the Kern County Zoning Ordinance, Oil and Gas Local Permitting: WJVA Prepared an ENA for a project level EIR for Oil and Gas operations within Kern County. Responded to County and public comments.

Noise Control Engineering:

• Home Depot Fuel Cells: WJVA has conducted numerous noise studies for proposed fuel cells at several Home Depot stores throughout California. The noise study was used to demonstrate project compliance with local noise standards.

• Car Wash Noise Levels: WJVA has conducted numerous noise studies for proposed car wash operations throughout California. The noise study was required to demonstrate project compliance with local standards and to develop suitable mitigation measures required to achieve compliance.

Roadway Improvement Projects:

• Academy Avenue Roadway Widening, Sanger, CA: WJVA prepared a Noise Study Report (NSR) fulfilling Caltrans requirements for the project. WJVA utilized the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM) and the Caltrans ‘Protocol’ to demonstrate project compliance with Caltrans requirements. The NSR was approved by Caltrans.

• Shepherd Avenue and Fowler Avenue Traffic Signal, Clovis, CA: WJVA prepared a Noise Study Report (NSR) and Noise Abatement Decision Report (NADR) fulfilling Caltrans requirements for the project. WJVA utilized the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM) and the Caltrans ‘Protocol’ to demonstrate project compliance with Caltrans requirements. The NSR and the NADR were approved by Caltrans.

• Southeast Connector, Reno, NV: WJVA prepared a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) for a proposed 6-lane arterial roadway project in Reno. The used the FHWA TNM to demonstrate project compliance and develop mitigation measures required to satisfy NEPA.

Mitigation Monitoring:

• Coolwater Lugo Transmission Lines: WJVA monitoring noise levels near existing transmission lines as well as ambient noise levels along proposed transmission line alignments.

Aviation Noise: 

• McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas, NV: WJVA prepared an Aircraft Noise Monitoring Report for the airport. The report presented sound level data obtained over a two-week period using automated sound level meters at monitoring sites throughout the City of Las Vegas.

• Livermore Municipal Airport: WJVA prepared an Aircraft Monitoring Report for Livermore Municipal Airport. Noise monitoring occurred over two individual two-week periods to demonstrate changes in aircraft noise exposure throughout the Spring and Fall months.

• Watsonville Municipal Airport: WJVA prepared an Aircraft Noise Assessment for Watsonville Municipal Airport. The Aircraft Noise Assessment included week-long noise monitoring at five locations utilizing automated sound level meters in addition to the development of aircraft noise exposure contours utilizing the INM.

• Reno Tahoe International Airport: WJVA was the acoustical consultant for the Airport Sound Insulation Project. WJVA utilized proprietary software to quantify interior aircraft noise levels within residential buildings. Interior noise levels were obtained both before and after acoustical treatments were provided to the homeowners, to demonstrate improvement as well as compliance with FAA project requirements.

• Ted Stevens International Airport, Anchorage, AK: WJVA was the acoustical consultant for Residential Sound Insulation Project. WJVA utilized artificial noise sources, in compliance with FAA guidelines and ASTM standards, to demonstrate interior noise level improvements and compliance with FAA project requirements.

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About Us

WJV Acoustics, Inc. (WJVA) is an acoustical consulting firm offering comprehensive services in environmental noise assessment and control, and in architectural acoustics.  The firm’s capabilities include a complete range of acoustical services, with special emphasis on community and environmental noise issues and project compliance.  Founded in 1981 as Brown-Buntin Associates, and now operating as WJVA, the firm has worked throughout the state of California, as well as nationally, on numerous airport-related noise assessment and sound insulation projects.

Walter J. Van Groningen is the President of WJVA.  Walter spent over ten years working with Brown Buntin Associates before becoming President of WJVA.  Walter is a member of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) and the Acoustical Society of America (ASA).  Walter has conducted numerous environmental noise assessments, working with transportation and industrial noise sources and report preparation.  Walter is proficient and certified with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Noise Model (TNM 2.5).  WJVA also utilizes the SoundPLAN Noise Model and other proprietary software to model noise exposure from various sources.

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